Lionboy the Truth
Charlie Ashanti – lion-rescuer, shipwreck-survivor and Catspeaker – is in a seaside town in Morocco, safe with his parents. Or is he? Old enemies are closing in: Maccomo the lion-trainer longs for revenge, Rafi the mean teenager is furious, and the evil Corporacy want his mum and dad back – but Charlie will do, as bait.
Charlie, one-eared Sergei and Ninu the brave and peculiar chameleon could hide from trouble. But the time to hide is over. Now is the time to fight back…
From the press:
The Daily Express
Sparkling in wit and fantasy
’ The Times Educational Supplement
The Observer
From the readers:
Beautifully written. It’s suspensefulnense and unpredictalidy (not words!) made me not able to put it down